Chimney Inspections

We offer professional and complete advice and information on any question that you have about your chimney.  Our technicians are certified by the CSIA (Chimney Safety Institute of America) and are capable of offering help on any chimney problem, or potential problem. We will come to your home and do a thorough inspection, and offer the solution that will best fit your needs. In many cases multiple solutions are proposed, from the least expensive way to make your chimney safe and structurally sound, to making your chimney a beautiful focal point of your home.

Level I Inspection

  • We examine the readily available portions of the chimney and venting system.
  • An inspection of the exterior and interior of the chimney from the outside, and roof is done to see any damage that might not be visible from below.
  • We look for any obstructions that would stop draft in the chimney, or any combustible deposits that have developed inside the flue.
  • The connection of the heating device to the chimney is inspected also.

This type of inspection should be done annually, along with the routine cleaning.


Level II Inspection

All parts of the Level I inspection are done along with:

  • Examining all accessible areas in the attic, crawl spaces, and basement.
  • Chimney interior is inspected from the roof, and from the basement.
  • We again look for any deposits, or obstructions that might reduce the draft.
  • We inspect the construction of the chimneys interior and exterior.
  • Proper clearance from combustibles is also checked.
  • A video scan of the interior of the chimney is done to see the condition of the interior of the chimney

Level II inspections are used when a level I inspection is not sufficient to determine the serviceability of the chimney.

Level III Inspection

All parts of the Level II inspection are completed along with the removal of components in the chimney to gain access to all areas.  All internal and external areas are inspected.  Level III inspections are usually reserved for insurance claims due to the fact that the chimney is demolished in the process to view every part of it.